Cat Under Stress

Cat Under Stress

Something that can put a cat under stress and which can be totally avoided is multi or combo veterinarian treatment.

Cats are vaccinated. Cats are neutered. Cat receive combo vaccinations. Should these procedures be separated out so our cat is not over stressed. A stressed cat is more likely to develop a disease. For example the corona virus, which might be dormant in the cat could mutate and cause Feline Infectious Peritonitis a 100% fatal disease and an extremely nasty disease.

Just a thought. Particularly as the treatments mentioned are often performed on young kittens when they are more vulnerable anyway.

Here are three submissions from visitors on the subject of cat under stress:

Cat Suffering From Stress?

Persian Cat Turned Grey Through Stress?

Cat hair loss can be symptom of stress.

Cystitis can be partly caused by stress and stress can be caused by almost innocuous things. For example full-time indoor living in an apartment can cause stress and displacement activity such as over grooming laving bare skin.

The classic inappropriate unrination (peeing outside the litter box) can be stress related too.

Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

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Cat Under Stress

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Sep 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the useful info.

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